Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
国际刊号: 11-3270/TQ
国内刊号: 1004-9541
学术数据库优秀期刊 《中文科技期刊数据库》来源期刊
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1. Papers should be written in English.

2.The paper should be arranged in the following format: full title; by-line and affiliation with address for correspondence; abstract; keywords; introduction; sections, suitably subdivided under headings(materials and methods, results and discussion, etc.); conclusions; acknowledgements (if necessary); nomenclature; references and appendices (if necessary).

3.Provide a graphic abstract on the last page of the submitted manuscript. It should capture reader’s attention and give the reader a quick visual impression of the essence of the manuscript.

4.Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.

5.Manuscripts should be typed in single-column format with wide margins on one side of A4 (210 mm×297 mm) paper. A font size of 12 pt or 10 pt is required.

6.No conclusion for Research Notes, but abstract and keywords are necessary.

7.References should be numbered in the order of appearance. The following are examples of different types of references.


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